Whether John Buchanan missed the plot. He said in the book published by Orient Paperbacks that Cricket God Sachin Tendulkar is still a great player but not in this arena of Twenty20 Cricket. It has become a good way of marketing that often framed comments on proven legend like Cricket God Sachin Tendulkar. It has become fashion for Australians to comment on Indian great’s oftenly.If they wish their books to be sold in the market they should look for other tricks not like giving comments over Cricket God. First Gilly and now this Buchanan. Nowaday’s poor beggar’s also writing books. The comments are very cheap in taste .They have no right to comment on Indian greats especially over Cricket God Sachin. It has become fashionable to all failed cricketers to take a pot shot at peoples who were very successful as well as talented like God Of Cricket Sachin tendulkar.
Harbhajan singh comments for this issue:
Harbhajan singh wrote in his blog that I am not surprised when saw that comments. In fact anything a comment coming out of Australians does not surprise me anymore. It just shows how much they love us as well as keep thinking about us.Because we are very talented than them thats why they comments like rubbish.
As a Sachin fan I says that No one in this world have rights to say any immoral comments against my Cricket God sachin tendulkar.I warns to every Australians as well to the beggar John Buchanan that beware while enters in to the India soil
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